Arithmetic function in C programming language with example In this tutorial, we will discuss the arithmetic function in C programming language with example. In the c programming language, arithmetic pre-defined functions is used to perform arithmetic calculation or other mathematical operations. stdlib.h and math.h header files support all the arithmetic functions in C language 1….
Category: Learn C++
Pre-defined string function example C Programming language
Pre-defined string function in C Programming language In this tutorial, we will discuss the pre-defined string function in the C Programming language. The c programming language has inbuilt string functions which are declared in string.h header file. This functions can be used in many string operations in C language. 1. strlen() – The String function…
While loop in C programming language
While loop in C programming language In this tutorial, we will discuss the While loop in C programming language In the C Programming Language, the while is used to evaluates test condition and executes the statement(s) until the Boolean condition becomes true. When the condition becomes false, control exit the loop and goes to the…
Nested if in C programming Language
Nested if in C programming Language In this tutorial, we will discuss the Nested if in C programming Language. The nested if-else statement refers to the use of one if-else statement inside another if-else statement. Inside means, one or more condition is evaluated by the nested if statement. In nested if statement, when the condition…
Nested for loop in C programming Language
Nested forloop in C programming Language In this tutorial, we will learn the Nested for in C programming Language. In the C programming language, one forloop inside another forloop is known as nested forloop. Nested for in C – syntax Syntex of nested for loop for (initialization; boolean_expresion; increment or dicrement){ …

String Handling in C Programming Language
String Handling in C Programming Language In this tutorial, we will discuss the concept of String Handling in C Programming Language. In this tutorial, we will explain String handling and their operations ic C language. We have to handle String in C language using character array because there is no special data type for…
Structure in C programming languages
Structure in C programming languages In this tutorial, we will discuss the Structure in C programming languages the structure is a collection of different type of variables under a single name or unit. Which are grouped together and each element is called member in C programming Language The structure is a user define or custom…
String function in C programming Language
In this tutorial, we will discuss the String function in C programming Language In this post, we are going to learn about pre-defined string functions in C language and how to use it Strings are always enclosed by double quotes, Whereas , character is enclosed by single quotes in C likes other language The string…
Arithmetic function in C programming language
Arithmetic function in C programming language In this tutorial, we will discuss the arithmetic function in C programming language The arithmetic function is used for the mathematical purpose in C Language C programming language contains a lot of header files for various purposes. One of the header file #include<math.h>, is used…
Encapsulation in C++ programming language
Encapsulation in C++ programming language In this tutorial, we will discuss the OOP concept of Encapsulation in C++ programming language Encapsulation is the process to enclose data members and methods in a single unit for security purposes. This is also known as data abstraction. This is possible in Oop languages like C++ and Java. That…