PHP Star triangle Pattern program Here’s a simple Java program that demonstrates how to print star triangle patterns using PHP. The PHP Star pattern is created only using for loop Program 1 <?php //Star Pyramid Size //PHP pyramid patterns $size = 8;//Rows of Pyramid for($i=1;$i<=$size;$i++){ for($j=1;$j<=$size-$i;$j++){ print (” “);//print initial spaces } for($k=1;$k<=$i;$k++){ print (“…
Category: For ststement

Write a program for printing first n prime numbers in C#
Write a program for printing first n prime numbers in C# In this article, we will discuss the concept of the Write a program for printing first n prime numbers in C# In this post, we are going to learn how to write a program to find first n prime numbers and display the result…

PHP| Function to Check if a number is prime or not
PHP| Function to Check if a number is prime or not In this article, we will discuss the concept of the PHP| Function to Check if a number is prime or not In this post, we are going to learn how to write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not,…

PHP| Check if a number is prime or not
PHP| Check if a number is prime or not In this article, we will discuss the concept of the PHP| Check if a number is prime or not In this post, we are going to learn how to write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not and display the result…

How to write pascal triangle code in Java using arrays
How to write pascal triangle code in Java using arrays In this tutorial, we will discuss the Title of How to write pascal triangle code in Java using arrays In this post, we will learn how to write code to display pascal triangle number pattern in Java language using for, while and do-while loop Java…

C++ program to count number of vowels, consonants in a string
C++ program to count number of vowels, consonants in a string In this article, we will discuss the concept of C++ program to count number of vowels and consonants in a string In this post, we are going to learn how to write a program to count Total number of vowels and consonants in a…

Program to count vowels and consonants in a string in C
Program to count vowels and consonants in a string in C In this article, we will discuss the concept of Program to count vowels and consonants in a string in C In this post, we are going to learn how to write a program to count total number of vowels and consonants in given string…

Count total number of vowels, consonants and space of a sentence in Java
Count number of vowels, consonants and spaces in a sentence in Java In this article, we will discuss the concept of Count total number of vowels, consonants and spaces in a sentence in Java In this post, we are going to learn how to write a program count the total number of Vowels , consonants and…

Java program to count vowels and consonants in a string
Java program to count vowels and consonants in a string In this article, we will discuss the concept of Java program to count vowels and consonants in a string In this post, we are going to learn how to write a program to count total number of vowels and consonants in given string input from user…

Write a C++ program to print all alphabets
Write a C++ program to print all alphabets In this article, we will discuss the concept of Write a C++ program to print all alphabets In this post, we are going to learn how to write a program to print all characters of English alphabet using for, while and do-while loop in C++ language Code to…