Arithmetic Caculation

Function to divide two numbers:PHP program

Function to divide two numbers:PHP program

In this article, we will discuss the concept of Function to divide two numbers

In this post, we are going to learn how to write a program to find  division of two numbers using function in PHP language

Code to find division of two numbers in PHP

Division of two numbers using function  – #1

Program 1

  • Start PHP script
  • Declare two integer variable as parameter
  • Calculate division of given two numbers and return the value to main
  • Calling the function with passing argument
  • Display result on the screen
  • Exit PHP

In this program, first the user declare variables as parameter in function. Then when the user call the function, passing the values to variables as argument. finally , the result is calculated and display on the screen

Program 1

<title> Divide two numbers</title>
<h3>Division of two number using form</h3>
<?php //php script
//function definition with parameter
function divTwoNumbers($x, $y)
  return $x / $y;
  //calculate the product of two numbers
  //and return the product of given number
//Calling the function with argument to print result
echo "The division of 150 and 3: ".divTwoNumbers(150,3);
echo "<br>";
echo "The division of -75 and -15: ".divTwoNumbers(-75,-15);
echo "<br>";
echo "The division of 120 and -20: ".divTwoNumbers(120,-20);
echo "<br>";
//exit php

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result

Division of two number using form

The division of 150 and 3: 50
The division of -75 and -15: 5
The division of 120 and -20: -6


Division of two numbers using function  – #2

Program 2

  • Start PHP script
  • Declare two integer variable as parameter
  • Calculate division of given two numbers and return value to main
  • Calling the function with argument
  • Display result on the screen
  • Exit PHP

In this program, first the user declare variables as parameter in function. Then when the user call the function, passing the values to variables as argument. finally , the result is calculated and display on the screen

<title> Divide two numbers</title>
<h3>Division of two number using form</h3>
<?php //php script
//function definition with parameter
function divTwoNumbers($x, $y)
  $div=$x / $y;
  //calculate division of two numbers 
  //using division(/) operator
  return $div;//return the result to main
  echo $div;//print the result when calling the function

//Calling the function and print result
echo "The division of 120 and 10: ";
echo divTwoNumbers(120,10);
echo "<br>";
echo "The division of 250 and -5: ";
echo divTwoNumbers(250,-5);
echo "<br>";
echo "The division of -180 and -20: ";
echo divTwoNumbers(-180,-20);
echo "<br>";
//exit php

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result

Division of two number using form

The division of 120 and 10: 12
The division of 250 and -5: -50
The division of -180 and -20: 9


Suggested post

Java program  to divide   two number

C program  to divide   two number

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Python program  to divide   two number


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