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Display Hollow square star pattern in C++ using loops
In this tutorial, we will discuss the Display Hollow square star pattern in C++ using loops
We can display many types of number, Star, Alphabet patterns using for, while and do-while loop in C++ language
In this post, we are going to learn how to display Hollow square pattern Using for, while and do-while loop in C++ language
Using for loop
This program allows the user to enter the size of the pattern and then it displays Hollow square star pattern using for loop in C++ language
Program 1
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int size,row,coloum; cout<<"Enter the size for Hollow rectangle\n"; cin>>size; //get input from the user for num1 for (row=1; row<=size; row++){ cout<<"*"; } cout<<"\n"; for (coloum=1; coloum<=size-2; coloum++){ for (row=1; row<=size; row++){ if(row==1||row==size){ cout<<"*"; }else{ cout<<" "; } } cout<<"\n"; } for(row=1; row<=size; row++){ cout<<"*"; } cout<<"\n"; getch(); return 0; }
When the above code is executed it produces the following output

- The program requests to input for the “size of the pattern”
- The input stores in the variable “size”
- To iterate through the row, run the first for loop from 1 to given size according to the loop structure for (row=1; row<=size; row++) to print star for first-line
- To iterate through the column, run the outer for loop from 1 to given size according to the loop structure for (coloum=1; coloum<=size-2; coloum++)
- Inner for loop print star when the if statement is satisfied if(row==1||row==size) otherwise print space
- This activity continues until the condition of outer while loop becomes false
- Finally run the last for loop from 1 to given size according to the loop structure for(row=1; row<=size; row++) to print star for last line
Program 2
Using while loop
This program allows the user to enter the size of the pattern and then it displays Hollow square star pattern using while loop in C++ language
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int size,row,coloum; cout<<"Enter the size for Hollow rectangle\n"; cin>>size; //get input from the user for num1 row=1; while( row<=size){ cout<<"*"; row++; } cout<<"\n"; coloum=1; while(coloum<=size-2){ row=1; while(row<=size){ if(row==1||row==size){ cout<<"*"; }else{ cout<<" "; } row++; } cout<<"\n"; coloum++; } row=1; while( row<=size){ cout<<"*"; row++; } cout<<"\n"; getch(); return 0; }
When the above code is executed it produces the following output

- The program requests to input for the “size of the pattern”
- The input stores in the variable “size”
- To iterate through the row, run the first for loop from 1 to given size according to the loop structure while( row<=size) to print star for first-line
- To iterate through the column, run the outer for loop from 1 to given size according to the loop structure while(coloum<=size-2)
- Inner while loop print star when the if statements satisfied if(row==1||row==size) otherwise print space
- This activity continues until the condition of outer while loop becomes false
- Finally, run the last for loop from 1 to given size according to the loop structure while( row<=size) to print star for the last line
Program 3
Using the do-while loop
This program allows the user to enter the size of the pattern and then it displays Hollow square star pattern using the do-while loop in C++ language
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int size,row,coloum; cout<<"Enter the size for Hollow rectangle\n"; cin>>size; //get input from the user for num1 row=1; do{ cout<<"*"; row++; }while( row<=size); cout<<"\n"; coloum=1; do{ row=1; do{ if(row==1||row==size){ cout<<"*"; }else{ cout<<" "; } row++; }while(row<=size); cout<<"\n"; coloum++; }while(coloum<=size-2); row=1; do{ cout<<"*"; row++; }while( row<=size); cout<<"\n"; getch(); return 0; }
When the above code is executed it produces the following output

- The program requests to input for the “size of the pattern”
- The input stores in the variable “size”
- To iterate through the row, run the first do-while loop from 1 to given size according to the loop structure while( row<=size) to print star for the first line
- To iterate through the column, run the outer dowhile loop from 1 to given size according to the loop structure while(coloum<=size-2)
- Inner do-while loop print star when the if statements satisfied if(row==1||row==size) otherwise print space
- This activity continues until the condition of outer while loop becomes false
- Finally run the last do-while loop from 1 to given size according to the loop structure while( row<=size) to print star for the last line