Python language Numbers datatype

Python language numbers datatype

In this tutorial, we will discuss the Python language Numbers datatype.

In every programming languages, they have many data types. In Python, data types are used to classify every particular type of data. The number is one of the data types used to store numeric values in Python.

Python supports four different numerical types

Number datatypes

Integer, long integer, floating-point and complex numbers are under the category number data type in python

  • int – int means the positive or negative whole number that never includes a decimal point. It is known as an integer. It is represented in a signed integer.

Eg –  5 – it is an integer, it has no decimal point

Numbers datatype
Find the type of data
Numbers datatype
When the above code is executed, The following output is displayed
Numbers datatype

  • long – long integers are an integer of infinitive size. This is similar to integer but followed by the letter “L”
Display long number
Find the type of data


  • float – floating-point of real values – float represents the real number, written with the decimal point

5.o – it is an float number, it has decimal point

Find the type of data

When the above code is executed, The following output is displayed


  • complex – complex number
  • Complx number is used to sciencific calculations
programmers can assign binary octal and hexadecimal numbers in python
if you want to assign this numbers you can use the following prefix on your number
Number SystemPrefix
Binary0b or 0B
Octal0o or 0O
Hexadecimal0x or 0X
Here are some example
Disp;ay python numbers
#The output given The decimal value of binary number 10011010:
#The output given The decimal value of Hexadecimal number FD:
#The output given The decimal value of octal number:

When the above code is executed, The following output is displayed



Calculate sum of python numbers

#Find addition of two binary numbers
#Find addition of two hexadecimal numbers
#Find addition of two Octal numbers

When the above code is executed, The following output is displayed



Type conversion

In python language, we can convert the type of number into another

We can use to convert some of built-in(predefined) function to type conversion of number data type such as int(), float(), complex()



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