Passing Structure to function in C language

Passing Structure to function in C language

In this article, we will discuss the concept of “passing structure” to function in C language.

A structure can be passed to any function from main or sub functions as an argument.

There are two way to pass stucture as function argument

  • passing to a function by value
  • passing to a function by reference(address)

Passing structure by value

In this case, the structure variable can be passed as argument as a normal variable(by value) to the definition of function. A “structure” represents the members of structure with their values. This structure can be accessed from called function.

Structure to function Example


student id is :3
student Name is :saru
student Average is :74.599998

Passing structure by reference

In this case, the structure variable can be passed as  argument as a pointer variable (passed by refferance) to the definition of function. A structure  represents the members of structure with their values. This structure can be accessed from called function by its address(using pointer variable).

Structure to function – example


student id is :13
student Name is :Jhon
student Average is :59.700001

Related post

Structure in C Language                                       Structure in C++ Language
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Nested function  in C                                              Nested structure in C++

Structure with function in C Language


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