
C++ language |Structure with function

Structure with function in C++ language

In this tutorial, we will discuss the concept of Structure with function in C++ language

a structure variable can be passed to a function  as an argument

There are two way to pass a function as argument

  • passing  to a function by value
  • passing  to a function by reference

passing to a function by value

In this case, The  structure object is passed as a function argument to the definition of function. “Structure object” represents the structure’s members and their values.

Program 1

In this program, first, variables name, age, marks are declared inside the student structure
Then the user is asked to enter the name, age and marks of a student inside the main() function
Finally structure variable s is to passed to a function

When the above program is executed, it produces the following results
Enter student full name :
Jhon mackal
Enter student s age :
Enter student s marks:

Display student details
student name : Jhon mackal
student age : 34
student marks : 88

Passing to function by reference

In this case, the address(reference) of the structure variables are passed as a function argument to the definition of the function.

Program 2

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
struct student{
int rgNo;
char gender;
int age;
void display (student s);
//Declaration of display function with normal reference
void show (student *s);
//Declaration of show function with pointer reference

int main()
    student anil={1122,'m',26};
    display(anil);//Call the display function
    show(&anil);//Call the show function
    return 0;
void display(student s){
    cout<<"Result using display function"<<endl;
//Definition of display function with normal variable

void show(student *s){
    cout<<"Result using show function"<<endl;
//Definition of display function with pointer variable


When the above program is executed, it produces the following results.

This output received pass by value

result using display function

This output received pass by reference

result using show function

Related post

Structure in C Language                            Structure in Cpp Language



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