
Structure in C++ programming language

Structure in C++ programming language

In this tutorial, we will discuss the concept of Structure in C++programming language

In the C++ programming language, the structure is a collection of a variety of different data types under a single unit with a name.


How to declare a structure

The struct keyword defines a structure in the name of the structure. Then we can declare  one or more data members inside the curly braces  of the structure



struct – it is a keyword in C++
student – structure name
The structure student is defined. It has four members for access data,  name, age, marks and average      

Always use structure to end a declaration with a semicolon(;)

Program 1

When the above program is executed, it produces the following results

Enter name :
Enter student id :
Enter age :
Enter payment :
Student information
Student Name : Kamalraj
Student age : 23
Student id : 12
Student marks : 70
Student payment : 600
In this program, first, variables name, age, marks and pay are declared inside the student structure
Then the user is asked to enter the name, age, pay and marks of a student inside the main() function and it is stored in their variables
Finally, student information is displayed on the screen

Program 2

When the above program is executed, it produces the following result.

rahulan Emp no is: 123
rahulan sex is: m
samanthy Emp no is: 234
Samantha sex is: f


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