Datatype in python programming language

Datatype in python programming language

In this tutorial, we will discuss the concept of datatype in python programming language

Python datatype

Data types indicates the type of  value and how the value can be used in programs. Data type is used to allocate memory location in memory. For future use of stored data, variables are given a unique name to identify different memory locations. There is no need to declare variables before using them in python, unlike other languages. However, access to the data (content) is via variable name (variable identifiers) in python.

Datatype in python




Datatype and variable

34 is Assigned to the variable Your_age

Python has five type of data type or variable

  1. Numbers
  2. List
  3. Tuple
  4. String
  5. Set
  6. Dictionary


  • INT – int represents negative and positive integer value without decimal point
Eg – 19,  234,  -456,  -1000
  • Float – floating point represents negative and positive values represented with decimal point.

Eg – 17.5,  234.67,  -456.4,  -1000.23


List in Python

List is a very important and most used data type in python. List is a collection of ordered sequence items like the array data type.


Syntax of list data type in Python

list_name=[Item 1,Item 2,Item 3,Item 4] ;



Tuble in Python

Tuble is a collection of ordered sequence items like List data type in Python.


Syntax of Tuble data type in Python

Tuble_name=(Item 1,Item 2,Item 3,Item 4);



String in Python

We can use single quotes or double code to represent a String in Python. Multi line string can be denoted using triple quotes ”’ or “””

Example 1

When the above code is executed, it produceS the following results

Hello world python

Hello world python







Program 2

when the above code is executed, it produces the following results

hello welcom
hello welcom
hello welcom
                to python
hello welcom
                to python


Set in Python

Set is a data type in python that is an unordered collection of stuff like list. But “set” never contains duplicates.


Syntax of set data type in Python

set_name={Item 1,Item 2,Item 3,Item 4} ;



Dictionary in Python

Dictionary is a data type which is an unordered collection of items. A dictionary has a pair of items such as a key and a value.



ProgrammingLanguages[“jdk”]=”java development kit”
ProgrammingLanguages[“html”]=”Hyper text markup language”
ProgrammingLanguages[“css”]=”cascading style sheet”
ProgrammingLanguages[“xml”]=”extensible markup language”

Related post

  List in Python       

Tuple in Python                                            Dictionary in Python

Set Data type in Python


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