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Operator in Java programming language

The operator in Java programming language

In this tutorial, we will discuss the concept of Operator in Java programming language

Java operators

Many types of operators are available in java which are used to perform various operations.
Different types of java operators are given below

  1. Arithmetic Operator
  2. Unary Operator
  3. Assignment Operator
  4. Shift Operator
  5. Relational Operator
  6. Bitwise Operator
  7. Logical Operator
  8. Ternary Operator

1. Arithmetic Operator in Java

We can use arithmetic operators to perform the calculation to calculate the value in programs. Arithmetic operators +,-,*,/, and % perform addition,subtraction, multiplication and modulus.
Arithmetic operators can be applied on any numeric type.


Example – arithmetic
When te above code is executed it produces the following result
addition of a+b  :32
subtraction of a-b  :8
multiplication of a*b  :240
division od a/b :1
modulus of a/b :8

2. Unary Operator in Java

Unary operators require only one operand to perform various operations such as increment/ decrement of the value by one.
Unary – Example
When te above code is executed it produces the following result
Value of a++ is :10
Value of a-- is :11
Value of ++a is :11
Value of --a is :10

3. Assignment Operator

The assignment operator is used to assign a value to the variable. We simply understand and assign the value on the right of the ‘Assignment operator‘ to the variable on the left.



Assignment Example
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result
Value of a+=6 is  :16
Value of a-=5 is   :11
Value of a*=4 is  :44
Value of a/=3 is   :14
Value of a%=2 is   :0

4. Relational Operator

Java has six relational operators that compare two numbers and return only boolean value. Relational operators are <,>,==,<=,>= and != in Java.


Relational – Example
When te above code is executed it produces the following result
 The result of a==b = false
 The result of a!=b = true
 The result of a>b = false
 The result of a<b = true
 The result of a>=b = false
 The result of a<=b = true

5. Logical Operator

The logical operator is used to compare multiple conditions and return the boolean value.

Example –


When te above code is executed it produces the following result

6. Bitwise Operator

Bitwise Operator in Java
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