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Operators in C programming Language

Operators in C programming language

In this tutorial, we will discuss the Operators in C programming language. C programming language consists of  various operators to perform many operations.

Arithmetic Operators

An arithmetic operator in C language is used to performs mathematical calculations such as adition, subtraction multiplication division, etc…

Program 1

When the above code is executed , it produces the following result

a+b value is 35
a-b value is 5
a*b value is 300
a/b value is 1
mod value of a,b is 5

Program 2

When the above code is executed , it produces the following result
Enter value to a..
Enter value to b..
a+b value is 22
a-b value is 2
a*b value is 120
a/b value is 1
mod value of a,b is 2

Increment or dicrement operator

In C Programming language, available increment(++) or dicrement operator( — ) is used to change the value of numerical operand

Program 1

When the above code is executed , it produces the following result

a++ value is10
a– value is 11
++b value is 5
–b value is 5

Program 2

When the above code is executed , it produces the following result

value of c is 21
value of d is 1
value of e of 14
value of f is 0

Assignment operator in C

In the C Programming Language, the assignment operator can be use to assign values for variable

Two type of assignment operator available in C Programming Language

1. Simple assignment operator          =

2. Compound assignment operator   –   +=, -=, *=. /=, %=, &=

Eg – x+=10;


When you execute above code , it produces the folloing result
value of y, in y=x: 10
value of y, in y+=x: 20
value of y, in y-=x: 10
value of y, in y*=x: 100
value of y, in y/=x: 10

Relational operator in C

In the C Programming language, relational operator is used to check the relationship beyween two arethmetic operands. If relationship is positive, return true is (true means 1) or if relationship is negative, it returns as false (false means 0)


When you execute the above code , it produces the folloing result

a is equal to or less than b
a is less than b
a is less than b
a is less than b or equal to b
a is not equal to b
a not equal to b

Logical operator in C

Logical opeartors are commenly used in decision making in C Programming. logical opeartor return true (1) or false (0), depending upon program

When you execute the above code , it produces the following result
you are elder or boy
you are not a teenagers
Betwise Operator in C



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