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Nested forloop in Java language
When a forloop exists inside the body of another forloop, it is known as nested forloop in java
for (initialization; boolean_expresion; increment or decrement){ // statement(s) inside the body for (initialization; boolean_expresion; increment or dicrement){ // statement(s) inside the body } } Here we can see, a for loop is inside the body another for loop
Flow diagram

Example programs
Program 1
This program displays square number pattern using nested whileloop
class forloop
public static void main(String args[])
for(int x=1;x<=10; x++) //Outer for loop
for(int y=1;y<=10; y++)
When you execute the above code, it produces the following result
Program 2
This program displays square star pattern using nested whileloop
When you execute above code , it produces the folloing result
Program 3
This program displays Floyd’s triangle number pattern using nested whileloop
When you execute above code , it produces the following result
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