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String Handling in C Programming Language

String Handling in C Programming Language

In this tutorial, we will discuss the concept of String Handling in C Programming Language.


In this tutorial, we will explain String handling and their operations ic C language. We have to handle String in C language using character array because there is no special data type for String in C language. The array of characters or set of characters can be called String in C.

char is one of the variable types in C language that contains a single character. But, the set of character is also known as an array of character represents a string in C language.

The array of characters are terminated by a null of character “n”;

Memory presentation of string in C using char array

char greeting[]=”Hello”;  //Declaration and initialization char in C

character array

String manipulation

Example of Strings

  • Name of the person
  • Address of the house
  • Name of items

Declaration of String

Declare of a String in C Language two ways

  1. Using an Array
  2. Using a Pointer

Using an Array



char c[];


char c[25];

Initialization of String                                                                                                                      

char c[]=”kanthan”;


char c[20]=”kanthan”;


char c[]={‘k’,’a’,’n’,’t’,’h’,’a’,’n’}


char c[7]={‘k’,’a’,’n’,’t’,’h’,’a’,’n’}

Using Pointer

    Declaration and Initialization of String


char *c=””kanthan;;

Example 1


When the above code is executed, it produces the following result

His name is kanthan

Example 2

When the above code executed, produced following result

Enter youe name...
Devid peris

Your nane is Devid

Example character and pointer


When the above code was executed, it produced the following result
Suggetsed for you



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