Categories: Python

Python programming language Functions

Python programming language functions

In this tutorial, we will discuss the concept of Python programming language functions.

In python, function is a collection of related and reusable statements include as a single unit. This is used to perform a specific action that looks like a method.

Basically two type of functions are available in python.

1. Built-in function – this functions defines and it is a built-in python programming language.
For Examples – Math function, String function
2. User- defined function – Users can define the function themselves.

This tutorial explains user defined functions

The advantages of using functions are:

  • clearly understanding code
  • reducing duplication in code
  • reuse of code
  • Information hiding

Syntax of python function

About user-defined function
  • A function created with the def keyword in python that is used to identify the start of the function.
  • function_name is used to uniquely identify every function.
  • Parameters and arguments are used to pass variables and values to function but parameter passing is optional (it is not compulsory).
  • A colon mark is used to identify the end of the function.

Example of function

We can demonstrate about python function usingthe following examples

Program 1

How to create simple “hello world” program using python function

When the above code is executed, it produced the following results.
Hello world

Program  2

When the above code was executed, it produced the following results
hello i am a function
hello i am a function
hello i am a function

Program 3

When the above code was executed, it produced the following results

hello i am a function

Program 4

When the above code was executed, it produced the following results
hello mohan

hello kanthan
hello Nimal
hello Santhan

Program 5

When the above code was executed, it produced the following results
hay kamalan
Program 6
When the above code was executed, it produced the following results
Program 7
Function with argument
When the above code was executed, it produced the following results
Program 8
When the above code was executed, it produced the following results
(‘my first name is’, ‘logan’)
(‘my last name is’, ‘Mohan’)
(‘my age is’, 34)
(‘my sex is’, ‘M’)

The return ststement

We can use the return statement in Python
Syntex of return statement
Example 1
Example 2
When the above code was executed, it produced the following results
Example 3
When the above code was executed, it produced the following results
Default in python function
Program 1
2 5
Program 2
87 12.9 12 kannan
Program 3
87 12.9 24 vannan
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