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Structure in C programming languages

Structure in C programming languages

In this tutorial, we will discuss the Structure in C programming languages

the structure is a collection of different type of variables under a single name or unit. Which are grouped together and each element is called member in C programming Language

The structure is a user define or custom data type. Which contains an individual element that can defer in type. that allows to combine data items of a different kind Hence structure can contain integer, float, double etc.

define a structure

When defining a structure, you must use the struct statement or keyword in C to the grouped mixed type of variables

Access a structure

To access any member of s structure, we use the dot(.) member access operator. This operator pointed between the structure variable name and the structure member


Diclaration of structure

struct structure_name
data_type  variable_name1;   
data_type variable_name 2;
data_type variable_name n;


struct student
char name[50];
int age;
float fees;

Creating struct variable

when a struct variable is declared, storage is not allocated in the memory. if we want to work with the structure variable we must create the structure variable

method 1

create structure variable seperately

struct student
char name[50];
int age;
float fees;
int main(){
struct student stu1,stu2,p[30];

method 2

create structure variable structure definition

struct student
char name[50];
int age;
float fees;
}struct student stu1,stu2;

Accessing struct variable


example  – we want to store some information about a student, Student name, Student id, marks and garde We can easily create different variables name,, marks, age to store this information

Program 1

Program 2

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