Java class and main method explanation

Java class and the main method

In this tutorial, we will discuss the concept of Java class and the main method.

In this post, we are going to learn how to create Java class and main method

Explanation of Java class and the main method

In the above code example in Java, We are using java main method, each word have different meanings and purpose of the main method in Java

Declaration of class

A class declared by class keyword in java. The class body is enclosed between curly braces. The data members methods constructor and object are declared  Between open and end curly braces in the class

The data member or variable declared two types

  • local variables
  • Instance variables
variables defined within a class called instance variable and defined within a method or contractor called as a local variable
The methods and variables defined within a class are called as members data members of the class

class Class_Name

//class keyword and class name

data members…..




Declaration of Java main method

public :

it is an Access modifier, which defines who can access this method.public is a reserved word means that this Method will be accessible by any other class or anyone

static :

it is a keyword allows the main()  method to be called before any objects of the class have been created


it is a reserved word in java, which is known as a return type and all methods are required to have any one return type. But The void keyword denotes that this method never returns a value


it is the name of the method , This method name is the starting point of the program

String args[]:

it is the parameter to the main method


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