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Multiple inheritance in C++ language

Multiple inheritances in C++ language

In this tutorial, we will discuss the OOP concept of multiple inheritances in C++ language.
Inheritance is the process of inheriting data members and methods of one class by another class. When a class is derived from two or more base class, it is called multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance is a feature of the object-oriented programming language of C++.
In C++, a child class can inherit from more than one parent class. Multiple inheritance is not support in Java.




class A




class B{



class C access_specifier A, acces_Specifier B//inherit properties from classes A and B

Program 1

Explanation is above program

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class cost //start of class cost
protected://access modifier – protected
int cp;
public://access modifier – public
void getcp()
cout << “Enter the cost prize:” << endl;
cin >>cp;
}; //end of class cost
class sell
{  //start of class sell
protected:  //access modifier – protected
int sp;
void getsp()
cout << “Enter the selling prize:” << endl;
cin >>sp;
};  //end of class sell

class profit:cost,sell
//start of class profit and which is inherits property from parant class cost, sell
private:    //access modifier – private
int pf;
public:  //access modifier – public
void profits()
cout << “profit is:” <<pf<<endl;
cin >>sp;
}; //end of class profit
int main()
profit o; //create object for class profit
o.profits();  //call method profit through object
return 0;


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