Method overriding in Java language

Method overriding in Java language

In this tutorial, we will discuss the concept of method overriding in Java language.

We have already looked at method overloading in Java. Now, we will learn method overriding in Java. Method overriding looks like method overloading with some difference.

When a subclass has the same method as the one declared in the parent class, it is called method overriding in java.

Conditions for Java Method Overriding

  • The method must have the same signature as the base class.
  • The method must have the same parameter as the base class.
  • must be IS-A relationship with extends(inheritance)



The diagram below explains the above two classes (School1 and School2) including their methods and their relationship.
Program 1
Above is a single inheritance program.It contains two classes, one vehicle is the parent class and another vehicle is the child class. Class vehicles inherit the properties of the vehicle class.
Program 2



Above program is a single inheritance program. It contains two classes: one vehicle is the parent class and the other vehicle is the child class. The same method is inside every class. Class vehicles inherit the properties of vehicle class.
One object is created under the main method.
When a method is called through an object, derived classes override the base class.

Program 3

Program 4


Explanation for the above program


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