
Constructor in Java programming language

Constructor in Java programming language

In this tutorial, we will discuss the concept of Constructor in Java programming language.

Constructor is a group of codes which are similar to a method. Purpose of the constructor is to create an object(instance)in a class. We may perceive constructor as a special type of method.

A constructor must follow the following rules

  • Constructor must have the same name as a class name.
  • Constructor doesn’t have a return type
When Java programs are compiled, a constructor is automatically called.

Java has three types of constructor

There are Three type of constructor

  • default constructor
  • no-argument constructor
  • parameterised constructor

Default constructor

Generally, default constructor doesn’t have any code in the body.  This means there is nothing in the body section and the default constructor does not contain any argument.

Syntax of default constructor



Example of default constructor

class cons{
cons()  //this is constructor(constructor name is equalant to class name) 

no-argument(default) constructor

 We can means, no – argument constructor looks like  default constructor but it contains block of code in the body section.

class cons

public cons()  //this is constructor(constructor name is equivalent to class name) 

System.out.println(“This is a demo of default cons”);
public static void main(String args[]){
cons disp=new cons(); //creating object

In this case, this is an example of constructor. Here, we created a class named cons and created a constructor with the same name. This is a no-arg constructor in the cons class. Constructor is called when an object is created. As you can see, the following output “This is a demo of default cons” is displayed.

No-argument constructor displays default value

No-argument constructor(default constructor) provides the default value to the object 0, null. This depends on the data type.

class studetail
int id;   //global variable
String name;
int marks;

studetail()  //this is constructor name same  as class name
System.out.println(“my name is “+name);
System.out.println(“my id is “+id);
System.out.println(“my marks is “+marks);

public static void main(String args[]){
studetail stu=new studetail(); //object for constructor


In the class above, we have created a constructor ,studetail class. But, it doesn’t have any parameter or any argument. So constructor displays the default value.

parameterized  constructor

A constructor that has one or more parameters is called parameterised constructor.

class stu
int marks;  //global variable
int id;
String name;

stu(int id1, int marks1, String name1)  // parameter passing to constructor
marks=marks1;  //assign local variable to global variable 


void display(){
System.out.println(“my name is”+name);
System.out.println(“my id is”+id);
System.out.println(“my marks is”+marks);

public static void main (String args[])
stu my=new stu(24,1,”vannan”); //passing argument to parameter

Using this keyword in the constructor in java


class studentm
int marks;  //global variable
int id;
String name;

studentm(int id, int marks, String name)  //this is constructor name same  as class name with parameter


void display(){  //method with return type
System.out.println(“my name is “+name);
System.out.println(“my id is “+id);
System.out.println(“my marks is “+marks);

public static void main (String args[])
studentm my=new studentm(24,1,”vannan”);  // passing argument for parameter

Program 2
class students
String name;
int age;
students(String name,int age){;
void kristy(){
public static void main(String args[]){
students risaana=new students(“kalpana”,56);

Constructor overloading in java        Method in Java             Method Overloading in Java

Abstraction in C++                                                                    Abstraction in Java

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Method overloading in Java                                                Constructor overloading in Java

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