if condition programs example in Java
In this article, we will discuss the if condition programs example in Java
How to write small programs using if else statement in java
If condotion is a booleam expression can be use check condition in many programming languages for software development similar, C, C++, php etc… for write various type of programs. we can write many java program using if condition in java.
This is one of the small program using if condition in java
Example of this program, one of the employee, if get basic salary above 30000.00 he get bonus 0.1% at the basic salary, if get under the 30000.00 he get bonus 0.05% at the basic salary from the company, find the basic salary bonus and Total salary
program 1
This program Explain How to calculate bonus
class bonus{ //start of the class
public static void main(String args[]){ //start of the main method
double basicSal=22000.00; //assign a variable to basis salary
//and initialization
double bonus=0.00; //assign a variable to bonus
//and initialization
double netSal=0.00; //assign a variable to net salary
//and initialization
if(basicSal>=30000.00){ //Test condition for check the salary above 30000.00
bonus=basicSal*0.1; // if true this part executed
bonus=basicSal*0.05; // if false this part executed
netSal=bonus+basicSal; // calculate net salary
System.out.println(“Basic Salary:= “+basicSal); //display basic salary
System.out.println(“Bonus Salary:= “+bonus); //display bonus
System.out.println(“net Salary:= “+netSal); //display net salary
When the above code is executed.it produces te following result
program 2
In this tutorial, electricity bill calculator to a perticular customar in usage unit bases.At this simple program , the class contain two variable unit, payment then initialized value and electricity bill calculated by if condition in java
here is the rate
Sinse 0 to 90 unit – 7.00
Sinse 90 to 150 unit – 12.00
Sinse 150 to 240 unit – 14.00
Sbove 240 unit- 16.00
class electrisity {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int unit=300; //assign and initialized the variable unit
double payment=00.0; //assign and initialized the variable unit
if ((0<unit)&&(90>=unit))
{ // check the condition that unit from 0 to 90
payment=unit*7; //calculate payment 0 – 90 unit
System.out.println(payment);// display payment
else if ((90<unit)&&(150>=unit))
{ // check the condition that unit from 90 to 150
payment=90*7+(unit-90)*12; // calculate payment
System.out.println(payment); // display payment
else if ((150<unit)&&(240>=unit))
{ // check the condition that unit from 150 to 240
payment=90*7+(150-90)*12+(unit-150)*14; // calculate payment
System.out.println(payment); // display payment
} else if(unit>240)
{ //when become unit above 240
payment= 90*7+(150-90)*12+(unit-150)*14+(unit-240)*16;
//calculate payment
System.out.println(payment); //display payment
else{ //when all are false
System.out.println(“no usage”);// display this massege
When the above code is executed.it produces te following result
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