Java programming if condition with example

Java programming if condition with example

In this article, we will discuss the Java programming if condition with example

In this post, we will learn ow to use Java programming if statements with examples

If condition Java

if condition one of the decisions making statements in Java similar other languages C, C++, etc; if statement can be followed by else if or else statements, which executes when boolean expression is false
In this tutorial, we will learn about three types of if statements
  • if statement
  • if else statement
  • if else-if  else statement


if statements
Syntex of if statements

if (Test condition) { //code to be execute only when condition is true


Syntex of if inside another if statements – Nested if statements

if (Test condition){

if (Test condition){

//code to be execute only when condition is true

} //code to be execute only when condition is true




Program 1

When the above code is executed,it produces the following result
marks is greater than 60 

When the test condition is false
No output will be displayed on the screen


Program 2

This program contains two if statements, one if statement inside another if

When the above code is executed,it produces the following result

age is enough
You can enter university

When both test conditions are false


No output will be displayed on the screen

if-else statement

if ( condition_to_test )  { // Executes when the boolean expression is true

}        else { // Executes when the boolean expression is false

Flow diagram of if-else condition in java


Example – if – else
program 1
class user {
public static void main(String arg[]){
int age=17;
{                                   //Boolean Exprssion is true
System.out.println("the user is a younger");    // So this statement is display
System.out.println("user old man");




In this program, When the test expression is true, statements of inside the “if” are executed. otherwise, statements of inside the “else” are executed
When the above code is executed,it produces the following result

output – the user is a younger

if else-if else

Syntex in if else – if else in java

  if ( Boolean expression_one_To_Test ) { // Executes when the boolean expression is true if boolean expression is  false loop goes to next loop(else if)


else if ( //condition_two_To_Test


// Executes when the boolean expression is true


else if ( //condition_three_To_Test  )


// Executes when the boolean expression is true

else {

          // Executes when the none of the above condition is true


Flow diagram of if -else if else condition in java

When the boolean expression evaluates to true, The block of code of inside of “if” will be executed, otherwise block of code inside else if and else will be executed, based on the above the flow diagram

Example 2 – if else if else
class ifpass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int testscore = 16;
        String grade;

        if (testscore >= 80) {    // this statement is false 
            grade = "merit";
else if (testscore >= 50) {  // this statement is false 
            grade = "pass";
        } else {
            grade = "Fail";         // all condition are false So  else part is display
        System.out.println("Grade = " + grade);


When the above code is executed,it produces the following result

Example 2 – if else if – else

class loopifdemo {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      int testscore = 76;
      char grade;
      if (testscore >= 90) { // this condition is false because 76<90
          grade = ‘A’;
      } else if (testscore >= 80) { // this condition is false because 76<80
          grade = ‘B’;
      } else if (testscore >= 70) { // this condition is true this part is  executed
          grade = ‘C’;
      } else if (testscore >= 60) { // skip this step because above condition is true
          grade = ‘D’;
      } else {                               //skip this step
          grade = ‘F’;
      System.out.println(“Grade = ” + grade);


Out put here

When the above code is executed,it produces the following result

Grade – C


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