Java programming language introduction

Java programming language introduction

In this tutorial, we will discuss the Java programming language introduction

java Basic Notes

Java language is a very popular programming language among a lot of programmers with many advantages.Java is an object-oriented programming language.It is a simple programming language because developing and debugging is very easy

Java History

  • Java was developed by sun microsystem in 1991
  • It was developed by Jameshosling and other developers
  • First Start a project early 1991, named Green project by green project Developers at working Sun Micro System include members are James Goesling and other developers
  • then This project(Java) was called oak by James Gosling in June 1991
  • then this project name changed Java
  • then there was First public java program released in 1995
  • Java was having many goals. One of the main goal ‘Write Once Anywhere’

Java flavours

  • What are various edition or various flavour of java Explain?
  • All categories of java have been divided  3 division and by the learning which version of java we can develop what kind of applications
  • Java has been categories three flavours
  • J2SE – it is known as JSE(Java Standard Edition) – it is very first flavour and very basic version of java, When started learning java first we should learn J2SE Because this particular version of java included Basic Application structure,  Fundamental structure (data type, Operator, Oop concept). Exception handling, File Handling. It is called another name core Java.  Java Platform, Standard Edition is a widely used platform for programming in the Java Language. It is the Java Platform used to deploy the portable application(Desktop Application) for General use. Java SE consists of the virtual machine, which must be used to run Java programs, together with a set of libraries needed to allow the use of the systems, networks, graphical interfaces, and so on, from within those programs.
  • J2EE – it is known as JEE(Java Enterprise Edition) J2EE is built up the JavaSE. it has extra libraries which we can use to develop JEE Application. It provides the functionality to deploy fault-tolerant, distributed multi-tier java software, based largely on modular component running on an application server Enterprise means the very large organization, to develop application such kind of application(Desktop base and web base) we can use J2EE
  • J2ME – it is known as JME(Java Micro Edition) – Java Micro Edition is a java platform designed for embedded systems (mobile devices are one kind of such systems, Mobile phones, PDAs). This version very popular nowadays mobile application development – Android is the best example developed by java
Java Versions
JDK Alpha and Beta – The first alpha and beta java released in 1995
JDK 1.0 – This version was released on January 23, 1996, and called oak
JDK 1.1 – This version of java was  released on February 19, 1997, and included more facility
J2SE 1.2 – This version of java was  released on December 8, 1998, and included  other more facility
J2SE 1.3- This version of java was  released on May 8, 2000, and included  more notable  changes
J2SE 1.4 – This version of java was  released on February 6th, 2002 and major changes include
J2SE 5.0 – This version of java was  released on September 30, 2004, and major changes include
J2SE SE 6 – This version of java was  released on December 11, 2006
J2SE SE 7 – Java 7 is a major update that was launched on July 7 2011
J2SE SE 8 – This version of java was  released on March 18, 2014

Features of java

Java is:

  • Object-Oriented
  • Platform independent:
  • Simple
  • Secure
  • Architectural- neutral
  • Portable
  • Robust
  • Multi-threaded
  • Interpreted
  • High Performance
  • Distributed
  • Dynamic

Working of java


JAVA Component

       •JDK = JRE + Development tools
Therefore JDK = {JVM + Lib} + Development tool
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